Take a hand like ♠ AK ♡ K ♢Txxxx ♣ Txxxx. In the old days (about 100 years ago), some experts might have evaluated the hand at 2.5 quick tricks and two five card suits and opened it 1 diamond (or 1 club). I doubt that modern experts would do this, since it only has 10 high card points.
Improve the hand slightly to ♠ AK ♡ K ♢Jxxxx ♣ Jxxxx. Now it (technically) has 12 high card points, as well as the two five card suits. Would modern experts open this hand?
If not, how much would the hand have to be improved? Perhaps to ♠ AK ♡ K ♢Qxxxx ♣ Jxxxx? Or might the key improvement be to ♠ AK ♡ Kx ♢Jxxxx ♣ Jxxx, shortening the club suit but protecting the formerly singleton K of hearts, pushing its value closer to "3"?.